January 19th, 2018 |
 The Rivals of Ixalan release is officially here! We have all the great products in, including single cards, Bundles ($42.99), Boosters (3 for $10), and Planeswalker decks ($14.99). All of these are available in store today. To celebrate the release, in place of tonight's usual draft at 7:30pm, we will be doing a Sealed event with the left over Prerelease kits from last weekend. These kits have a lot of great stuff in them like Spindown dice from the set and promo versions of the rares and mythics from the set. There will be a $25 entry fee for the event tonight. We look forward to seeing you there.
 Join us for another Board Game Day! This will be a bring your own games event but we do have a game library, and you are welcome to play any of those in the Demo section. We will run from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Saturday, January 27th. You are welcome to come and go anytime though. There will be a $5 entry fee that will cover one snack, or drink, and prizes such as play to win and raffles. An attendee can purchase (to an unlimited amount) additional raffle entries for $3 each. Games that will be in the raffle include The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire, Coup, and Dice Forge. There is maximum of 42 attendance spots, so pre-register today. This will ensure you will get a spot before 6:30pm. If you don't show up by that time, you will lose your "saved spot" though you will still be able to attend. The raffle will be held at 6:30pm and you must be in attendance to win.
 Paint Night with Caleb Ceran

Game Night

Dice Masters Monday |
Our next Paint Night is scheduled for Thursday, January 25th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.Make sure you mark your calendars and get in early to prepay for this event. There will be 20 available spots for this event and participants must be at least 12 years of age.
Sign up sheets are available now and spots will fill up fast. For January, there will be a $35 per person registration fee if you register prior to January 25th. Registration on January 25th increases to $40 per person. Register in store or online here.
The image above is from a previous paint night. |
For our Game Night next week on Tuesday, January 23rd, we will be playing Arena: Of the Gods. In this game, players fight in the Arena of the all-powerful, where only the greatest mythological heroes fight to please the Gods. Players use their life points to bid for the best weapons and use the dice wisely to activate the most powerful attacks. The first player who dies, puts an end to the game and the surviving hero with the most life points wins the game.
When we demo this game, you can get an additional 5% discount with your Gamer's Club membership. |
On Monday nights starting at 7:00pm, we have some awesome Dice Master's Events! On each of our Dice Masters Mondays, we have expert players, along with our staff, joining us these evenings to help teach the game to new players. We also host a wide variety of casual tournaments including constructed, draft and sealed. During any of our tournaments, players will have the chance to win prizes and promo cards!
Check out our schedule of events below or on our website for more information about upcoming events. |
Friday Night Magic
Dice Masters Monday |

Game Night |
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats.
January 19th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Standard 7:30pm - $10 Rivals of Ixalan Draft
January 26th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Modern 7:30pm - $10 Rivals of Ixalan Draft
February 2nd, 2018 7:00pm - Free Standard 7:30pm - $10 Rivals of Ixalan Draft
January 12th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Modern 7:30pm - $10 Rivals of Ixalan Draft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.
January 22nd, 2018 Old School "Age of Ultron" (Golden) - $6
January 29th, 2018 Lunch Money Monday "2018" (Golden) - $2
February 5th, 2018 Old School Night "World’s Finest"(Modern) - $6
February 12th, 2018 Lunch Money Monday "Do or Do Not" (Golden) - $2
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Game Nights. Each Game Night starts at 7:00pm and is free to participate in.
January 23rd - 7:00pm Game Night - Arena: For the Gods!
January 25th - 7:00pm Paint Night with Caleb Ceran
January 27th - 12:00pm-10:00pm Board Game Day. Register online here
February 13th - 7:00pm Game Night - Timeline Challenge
Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage!
Copyright © 2017 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.
Contact us: Website: gamersinnlehi.com Phone: 801-901-3104 Email: innkeeper@gamersinnlehi.com
Our mailing address is: 1245 West Main Street, Lehi UT 84043