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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News - April 6th

April 6th, 2018

Alright Magic players! The time you have been waiting for has now arrived. Our Store Championship is being held tomorrow and we are really excited to see what you have all put together. The Store Championship will take place tomorrow, Saturday, April 7th at 11:30am. Please make sure to arrive early so that we can get everyone registered and ready to go. 

If you are wanting one last chance to put your deck to the test, join us tonight for our Store Championship Prep Challenge. For FNM tonight, we will have several of our employees using the new Challenge decks that were released today. What better way to give your deck one last run through, than by pitting them against decks that Wizards of the Coast has specifially made to be competitive? There will be a $3 entry for this event which will include one snack/drink, prizes and raffles throughout the evening. The Challenge Decks will also be available for purchase at $29.99 each. There are limited quantities available. 

Star Wars Destiny Draft

Game Night: Codenames

MTG Dominaria Open House
Join us on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00pm for a Star Wars Destiny Draft!

We are starting a series of monthly Destiny events and to kick off this series, we're pulling out all the stops with a Legacies Booster Draft. There will be a $15 entry fee for this event which will get you the 6 packs that you need to draft with.Prizes will include booster packs for top players as well as the contents of the 2018 Q1 kit.

There will be only 16 available spots, so make sure you sign up soon. We have sign up sheets available in store or you can sign up online. Check out our website and Facebook page for more details. We are excited to get these events going and look forward to seeing you there!
Join us for our next Game Night on Tuesday, April 10th at 7:00pm. We will be teaching you how to play Codenames.

The two rival spymasters know the secret identities of 25 agents. Their teammates know the agents only by their CODENAMES.

The teams compete to see who can make contact with all of their agents first. Spymasters give one-word clues that can point to multiple words on the board. Their teammates try to guess words of the right color while avoiding those that belong to the opposing team. And everyone wants to avoid the assassin.

Codenames: win or lose, it’s fun to figure out the clues.
{Join us on Saturday April 14th all day long for our MTG Dominiaria open house.

This event is for people who have never played Magic before, need a Magic refresher, or want to introduce a friend to the game. Show up, get a Welcome Deck, and play Magic against other newer players. 

We will have free Welcome Decks available for new players and will have our staff and other experienced players who can help teach how to play. Those who come and participate will receive a special promo card of Llanowar Elves.  
Friday Night Magic
Dice Masters Monday
Gamer's Inn Events
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

April 6th, 2018
7:00pm - $3 Store Championship Prep Challenge
7:30pm - $10 Rivals of Ixalan Draft

April 13th 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Rivals of Ixalan Draft

April 20th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $5 Chaos Draft

April 27th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Dominaria Draft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.

April 9th, 2018
Old School Uncannny X-Men (Golden) - $6

April 16th, 2018
Sidekick Night (Modern) - $5

April 23rd, 2018
Rainbow Draft "The Mighty Thor" (Modern) - $12

April 30th, 2018
Lunch Money Monday "Color Blind" (Golden) - $2.00
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at7:00pm and are free to participate in.

April 7th - 11:30am
Rivals of Ixalan Store Chapionship

April 14th - All Day
Dominaria MTG Open House

April 17th - 7:00pm
Star Wars Destiny Event

April 19th - 7:00pm
Paint Night with Caleb Ceran - $35

April 28th - 7:00pm
Board Game Day

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2017 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
1245 West Main Street, Lehi UT 84043

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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