October 5th, 2018 |
Guilds of Ravnica officially released today! All Guilds of Ravnica products are available in store today including Bundles, Booster and the new Guilds of Ravnica Theme boosters that include 35 cards. Each card in a Guilds of Ravnica Theme Booster fits in a deck of that guild's specific colors, so you can power up your favorite deck on demand. Or you can toss in 25 land and have a deck ready to play.
We will still be running our $100 Buy-a-Box promo through Saturday so make sure to take advantage of this great deal.
For our FNM events tonight, we will have a free Modern tournament at 7:00pm followed by a $20 Sealed Guilds of Ravnica event at 7:30pm. We look forward to seeing you for any of these events!
 This weeks Spotlight is for Tyler Helsten.
How did you first learn about Gamer's Inn? I did a Google search of game stores in Lehi, clicked around on the Gamer's Inn web site and noticed on the event calendar Monday Night Dice Masters events. I was just starting to learn about the game and collecting the dice/cards for the game. I went to the store to get the lay of the land and finally worked up the courage to go to the Sidekick night for Dice Masters where they teach and help new players with the game. I have be coming to Dice Masters events and many more events since!
When did you start working at Gamer's Inn? June 2018
What is your favorite type of game and why? Cooperative games; 1) Because my wife likes those games and 2) lots of interaction and strategy between players
What three words describe your gaming style? Competitive, Strategic, and Fun
What do you like to do when you're not at Gamer's Inn? I like to spend time with my wife by playing board games as well as watch TV or movies. I also like to play video games when I find the extra time. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends to catch up on life but eventually during the conversations I will be the one to ask if anyone wants to play a board game.
Which cartoon character would you most like to switch lives with and why? Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because out of the four turtles I match with his personality the most being the calm, cool, and collective type also it would be awesome to be skilled using 2 katana swords.

Star Wars Destiny Theme Night
 X-Wing Miniatures Game Night
 Cash N Guns Team Spirit Expansion |
Start getting your deck prepped for our next Star Wars Destiny Theme Night on October 16th at 7:00pm!
In an alternate Star Wars timeline, all of the main characters of Star Wars were wiped out in a gigantic battle, leaving all of the normal troops, padawans, smugglers, acolytes, and dark side users to pick up the pieces. While they vie for leadership and control of the galaxy, previously unknown characters emerged as equals to their former masters, allowing them to gain Elite status in the battles they fought.
Each team will need to be made completely of non-unique characters from the game. However, each non-unique has an elite point cost! There are 33 Non-uniquecharacters in the game, so plenty to choose from! Check out our Events Page for more info on this event! |
Join us on Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00pm to learn more about the new version of the X-Wing Miniatures Game!
Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy! In X-Wing Second Edition, you assemble a squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat.
With refined gameplay that focuses on the physical act of flying starships, X-Wing Second Edition lets you create your own Star Wars space battles right on your tabletop. Intuitive mechanics create the tense atmosphere of a firefight while beautifully pre-painted miniatures draw you deeper into the action. Man your ships and enter the fray!
Enjoy an additional 5% discount when we demo this game! |
Take aim as part of a team with Cash `N Guns: Team Spirit!
This expansion for the party game of looting, shooting, and bluffing features rules for team play, enabling a ninth player to take part in the action. It also introduces Mercenaries: twelve for-hire thugs who offer teams temporary advantages and the team game a deeper strategic dimension.
Plus, seven new characters take seats at the table, bringing new Surprises and new Powers along with them, and, of course, a few highly specialized, never-before-fired guns.
This expansion for Cash N Guns is now available in store and online! |
Friday Night Magic
Dice Masters Monday |
 Gamer's Inn Events |
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats.
October 5th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Modern 7:30pm - $20 Guilds of Ravnica Sealed Event
October 12th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Standard 7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft
October 19th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Modern 7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft
October 26th, 2018 7:00pm - Free Standard 7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.
October 8th, 2018 Old School Night "Civil War" (Golden) - $6
October 22nd, 2018 Rainbow Draft "Green Arrow and the Flash" (Modern) - $12
Stay tuned for more information about the new Transformers TCG! We will be planning some events for this game in place of some of our regularly scheduled Dice Masters Mondays. |
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.
October 9th - 7:00pm Game Night - X-Wing Miniatures Game
October 11th - 7:00pm Miniatures Painting Night (this is a recurring event every Thursday night!)
October 16th -7:00pm Star Wars Destiny Theme Night
October 25th - 7:00pm Game Night - Family Business |
Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage!
Copyright © 2017 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.
Contact us: Website: gamersinnlehi.com Phone: 801-901-3104 Email: innkeeper@gamersinnlehi.com
Our mailing address is: 1245 West Main Street, Lehi UT 84043