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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News - November 3rd

November 3rd, 2018
Time for an update on the new location for Gamer's Inn, 218 NW State St #200, American Fork, UT 84003! Things are progressing smoothly with the remodel. This week, we finalized flooring options as well as paint colors. Glass for the dividing wall between the retail space and play area has been ordered and should be here within the next 2 weeks! We have also made progress on getting our new exterior signs designed and hopefully we should have those to show you next week. While we still do not have a date set yet for the move, we are still hopeful to be in soon!

In last weeks email, we had alluded to opportunities for you to become a bigger part of Gamer's Inn and so this week, we want to let you know about some Sponsorship Tiers that we will be offering for a limited time. We have seven available Tiers for you to choose from that include some great Sponsor benefits for you. The Sponsorship Tiers are as follows. 

Craftsman - $10
1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice and a coupon for an additional 5% discount on 1 item

Merchant - $25
1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice, a Gamer's Inn Bumper Sticker and a coupon for an additional 5% discount on 1 item

Knight - $50
1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice, a Gamer's Inn Bumper Sticker, a collapsible Gamer's Inn Dice Rolling Tray and a coupon for an additional 5% discount on your entire purchase.

Baron - $75
1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice, a Gamer's Inn Bumper Sticker, a collapsible Gamer's Inn Dice Rolling Tray, a Gamer's Inn T-Shirt and 2 coupons for an additional 5% discount on your entire purchase

Count - $100
1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice, a Gamer's Inn Bumper Sticker, a collapsible Gamer's Inn Dice Rolling Tray, a Gamer's Inn T-Shirt and an upgrade to your Gamer's Club Discount for 1 year. New Gamer's Club Discount will be 12%

Duke - $250
1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice, a Gamer's Inn Bumper Sticker, a collapsible Gamer's Inn Dice Rolling Tray, a Gamer's Inn T-Shirt, a Gamer's Inn Hoodie and an upgrade to your Gamer's Club Discount for 1 year. New Gamer's Club Discount will be 15%. 

King - $500
 1 Gamer's Inn Custom Dice, a Gamer's Inn Bumper Sticker, a collapsible Gamer's Inn Dice Rolling Tray, a Gamer's Inn T-Shirt, a Gamer's Inn Hoodie and an upgrade to your Gamer's Club Discount for life. New Gamer's Club Discount will be 20%. 

These Sponsorship Tiers are optional, but we wanted to extend the opportunity to give our amazing gaming community a greater feeling of ownership in your game store. 

We will also be doing several Magic the Gathering events over the next month as we lead up to our Grand Opening. We will have a Mixed Ravnica Draft next week, November 9th at 7:30pm, where players will be using one pack from Guilds of Ravnica, and two packs from older Ravnica sets, Gatecrash and Dragons Maze. This will be in place of our regular Guilds of Ravnica Draft and will have a $15 entry fee. We also have some Battlebond events coming up. On Saturday, November 17th at 11:30am, we will have a Sealed Event with a $10 entry fee per player and on Friday November 23rd at 7:30pm, we will do a Battlebond Draft event with a $15 entry fee. During all of these events, we will be giving away extra promo cards! 

Another event we have planned leading up to our Grand Opening will be a Raffle! We have a lot of really cool prizes for the Raffle that include MTG From the Vault sets, board games, expansions, accessories, boosters, and more! Tickets for the Raffle are available starting today and can be purchased in these quantities - 1 for $2, 3 for $5, 7 for $10, and 15 for $20. The drawing will take place during our Grand Opening. 

Proceeds from our Sponsorship Tiers, Events and Raffles, will be used to help update our fixtures and furnishings at our new location, 218 NW State St #200, American Fork, UT 84003.

Stay tuned for more updates and more exciting events that will be coming up leading to and after our Grand Opening!

Star Wars Destiny Across the Galaxy

Keyforge Prelaunch

Dragonfire DBG Moonshae Storms Campaign
The next set of Destiny Boosters, Across the Galaxy is set to release on Thursday, November 8th! We will be doing a special promotion on full boxes of Across the Galaxy boosters for $90 each. Sign up sheets are available in store or you can preorder them online.

Make sure to mark your calendars for our Across the Galaxy Release Draft. That will be held on Tuesday, November 13th at 7:00pm. There will be a $20 entry fee. For prizes, there will be a pack per win that will be distributed at the end of each round and that players can use to immediately modify their deck. We will also have promo cards from the Season 3 Destiny kit. 
Starting November 10th, Gamer's Inn KeyForge Pre-Launch Event offer attendees a chance to get their hands on the world's first Unique Deck Game ahead of its official launch! 

Participants can come anytime from November 10th - November 14th to l
earn how to play, and sample the game's thrilling, back-and-forth gameplay. Participants will also gain a custom lanyard and glossary card when you play a game in a participating retailer and claim a pin for your favorite House when you purchase your first Archon deck.

Prizes are available only while supplies last!
Get ready for a new Dragonfire expansion! The Moonshae Storms campaign builds off of An Ancient Evil Arises from the base game, as your continuing quest takes you to new lands. A brewing conflict threatens to drown the Moonshae Isles, as lycanthropes and their fomorians allies seek to change the balance of power. Will you tip the tide?

Moonshae Storms is the first Dragonfire Campaign Box. Face encounters from the all-new Mountain environment, and get fully equipped with new Market cards and Magic Items! Also included are eight new Character screens, introducing the Barbarian Character Class, as well as alternative human races ? the Folk and Northlanders! 
Friday Night Magic
Dice Masters Monday
Gamer's Inn Events
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

November 9th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $15 Mixed Ravnica Draft 

November 16th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft

November 23rd, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $15 Battlebond Draft

November 3oth, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft

Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.

November 5th, 2018
Old School Night "Justice League" (Golden) - $6

November 12th, 2018
Transformers Draft - $20

November 19th, 2018
Rainbow Draft "Civil War" (Modern) - $12

We will be planning more events for the Transformers TCG in place of some of our regularly scheduled Dice Masters Mondays. Stay tuned for more information!
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

November 10th - 14th  
Keyforge Prelaunch

November 12th - 7:00pm
Transformers TCG Booster Draft $20

November 13th - 7:00pm
Game Night - Grand Austria Hotel

November 13th - 7:00pm

Star Wars Destiny Across the Galaxy Booster Draft

November 17th - 11:30am 
Battlebond Sealed Event $10 per player

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2017 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
1245 West Main Street, Lehi UT 84043

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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