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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

News Letter 12/7/2018

December 7th, 2018
Where Oh, Where has the time gone! Sorry for the shortened news letter, we are in full mode to get into the new location as soon as possible. We are hoping by the end of next week. Again the Address is 218 N West State Rd. #200, American Fork, Utah. We will be announcing the Grand Opening of the new location, as soon as we have a concrete date, and we will be holding our Raffle Drawing at that time, So there is still time to get those extra tickets for the fun prizes. Also we will be carrying sponsorship levels through the end of December.
And we will be keeping the Lehi location of Gamer's Inn open through January.

In the meantime, please join us tonight, Friday December 7th, 2018 @ 7:30pm for our Ultimate Masters Draft For Magic the Gathering. This is the Last Masters set to be released and as such they have packed every box with all the goodies for you to enjoy. MSRP for each pack is $13.99, But the Draft Tonight is only $35. I can think of several cards in the set that are valued higher, so our lose is your gain. Come and see if you have what it takes to be the Master of the Last Masters set. PS- we will be randomly giving away the Box Topper Cards for the boxes we open, so the more people that comes means more fun for all to have, plus additional prize support. This is the Last MTG event at our current location, so let's go out with a bang!
Speaking of Bang!, have you you played it? Talk about a great game to relax around a table with friends or family.

Website Change

Store Hours
Just a heads up for all of you that like to share about us. when browsing online, will still direct you to our website, but since we will no longer be in Lehi, we've broadened our website to be   Please take note of our Holiday Store Hours. 

Monday, December 24th

Tuesday, December 25th
Closed - Enjoy the Holiday!

Monday, December 31st
Friday Night Magic
Dice Masters Monday
Gamer's Inn Events
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

December 7th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $35 Ultimate Masters Draft

December 14th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft

December 21st, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Guilds of Ravnica Draft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.

December 10th, 2018
4 pack Transformers TCG Draft

December 17th, 2018
Rainbow Draft "Civil War" (Modern) - $12

We will be planning more events for the Transformers TCG in place of some of our regularly scheduled Dice Masters Mondays. Stay tuned for more information.
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

December 11th - 7:00pm
Stocking Stuffers Game Night

December 20th - 7:00pm
Paint Night with Caleb Ceran - $25

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2017 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
1245 West Main Street, Lehi UT 84043

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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