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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News - February 1st

February 1st, 2019
Happy Birthday Gamer's Inn! We can't believe that our doors have been open to the community here for 4 years already. Time truly does fly when you are having fun. Please make sure to join us sometime this weekend to try out a demo game and share some more fun with us. We will also be opening up our Sponsorship Tiers for a limited time this weekend only. After that, we will finalize our Sponsorship Commemorative Plaque and get that on display at the store. To find out more about our Sponsorship Tiers, check out our website or ask us in the store. 

We are excited about the different League events that are going on at the store. Star Wars Destiny League is currently running on Thursday Nights at 6:15pm. Players can still join in for the $20 entry fee and pick up 8 boosters from the Legacies Cycle. 

Ravnica Allegiance League started up this week on Tuesday and will continue to run on Tuesday nights through February 19th. There will be a $10 entry fee that includes 3 booster packs from Ravnica Allegiance. At the end of League, there will be promo cards given out to participants and prizes for most wins, playing against all participants and more. 

Stay tuned for more information about our Star Wars X-Wing League that we will be kicking off on Tuesday nights in March!

What's New at Gamer's Inn

Standard Showdown and Ravnica Weekend

Game of the Month
Kitchen Rush is an innovative real-time cooperative game that simulates the excitement of a high-pressure kitchen environment. It does so through worker placement, using hourglasses as your workers. These hourglasses are used to take orders from customers, prepare their dishes, serve them on time, buy groceries, clean plates and make sure enough money is made each round to cover wages, expenses, upgrades and hopefully, leave a profit. 

The game is for 1-4 players and plays for 4 rounds of 4 minutes. The fun, excitement and rush it brings to the table offers a full course for gamers and family members alike.
Standard Showdown kicks back up again this week! Our first event will be tomorrow, Saturday February 2nd at 2:00pm. Events will continue each Saturday through April 6th. Standard Showdown is a weekly tournament geared towards encouraging Standard play in Magic the Gathering. Each week, there will be special Standard Showdown packs which include great cards from what is currently in Standard. 

On February 16th at 2:00pm, we will have our Ravnica Weekend Championship. This event will be a Standard Format and will be free to participate in. There will be great prizes to be given away including promo cards and an exclusive Champions mat for the winner. 
We are taking a new twist to our Demo Game Nights. We will now be doing a Game of the Month! Each month we will highlight a game, have a special demo night for it, give it an additional 5% off during the month and potentially have tournaments. 

For February, our Game of the Month will be Castle Panic. The official Demo Night will be February 12th at 7:00pm, but you can come in any time and we will be happy to show you how to play. 

We will have a Castle Panic Challenge Night on February 23rd at 4:00pm. There will be a $5 entry fee for this event and the chance to win great Castle Panic prizes including a copy of the game.
Friday Night Magic
Dice Masters Monday
Gamer's Inn Events
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

February 1st, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft

February 8th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft

February 15th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft

February 22nd, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.

Monday, February 4th
6:30pm - Transformers constructed
7:00pm - Dice Masters (Golden Age) - $2

Monday, February 11th
6:30pm - Transformers constructed
7:00pm - Dice Masters Theme Night "Opposite Day"- $2

Monday, February 18th
6:30pm - Transformers constructed
7:00pm - Dice Masters Civil War Rainbow Draft - $12
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

February 12th - 7:00pm
Game Night - Castle Panic

February 16th - 2:00pm
Ravnica Weekend Championship

February 21st - 7:00pm
Paint Night with Caleb Ceran - $35

February 23rd - 4:00pm
Castle Panic Challenge Night -$5

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2017 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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