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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News Letter Feb. 15th 2019

      February 15th, 2019

On February 16th Make sure to represent your Guild at our Ravnica Weekend Events. There will be casual play for Magic the Gathering through out the day. Then at 2:00pm, we will have our Ravnica Weekend Championship. This event will be a Standard Format and will be free to participate in. This will take the place of our regularly scheduled Standard Showdown. There will be great prizes to be given away including promo cards and an exclusive Champions mat for the winner. Following the Championship at 7:00pm we will be holding Dungeon and Dragon events on the Ravnica Plan. This will be casual play and will run like our Adventure League events we run every Wednesday night at 7:00pm.


Some of you may already know, but owner Anthony Wilding also owns a Mattress store selling Serta, the World's Best Mattress! So why does this matter? How does it affect you? Only that he knows many people dislike shopping for a new mattress because of the high pressure sales people and the many options that are available. And we are told that we should change out our mattresses every 8 to 10 years. So come on down to Sleep On It Mattress Co. Located just south of Provo in Springville, Utah. The exact address is 552 South 1750 West, Springville Ut, 84663. And experience a better way to buy a mattress, after all you spend a third of your life sleeping. So get the sleep you deserve from someone you can trust and from Serta a mattress company that has proven quality. 
Come Check out our President's Day Sales, Including the Perfect Sleeper Clearance event. Plus get your Gamer's Inn Club discount off your mattress and bedding purchases. That's right, Anthony is going to honor you Gamer's Club discount at Sleep On It Mattress. What is better than getting a great deal on a mattress. Getting 10% off that already Great Deal! The Gamer's Special is good now to March 4th, 2019. 
         We Offer Free Delivery - Free Set up - Free Take Away

Transformers TCG

What's New at Gamer's Inn

Paint Night with Caleb Ceran
Hey all you Transformers Players! We have loved having events scheduled for this game on Monday nights. Right now we are continuing to do casual play but we are looking forward to the opportunity to draft the new set that is scheduled to release on March 1st. This set is called Rise of the Combiners and looks to add some really unique mechanics. 

With just over a month until the set drops, we have got sign up sheets available in store for those wishing to preorder. Boxes will be available for $100 and can be signed up for in store or online. 
Nothing brings a D&D world to life more than the creatures that inhabit it – and playing with painted miniatures, representing your mighty heroes or foul monster encounters, is the adventure coming to life in front of you. 

This official Dungeons & Dragons set of Marvelous Pigments will offer you a perfect starting palette of the basic “must-have” colours to paint your player characters. The set also comes with a free Minsc & Boo miniature to get you started. Miniature may require assembly. 

Nolzur says, "Trust me: if you paint with these very magical and indeed marvellous pigments – your miniatures will look better!”
Join us Thursday, February 21st from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Local artist Caleb Ceran will be taking participants step by step through the process of creating a beautiful image on canvas.

There will be 16 available spots for this event and participants must be at least 12 years of age. There will be a $35 entry fee if you register prior to the event. Registration on the day of the event increases to $40.

We will be painting the image above that night, which is a unique two part image where 1 person in a pair paints half of the painting. Registering in pairs is encouraged.
Friday Night Magic
Maniac Monday
Gamer's Inn Events
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

February 15th, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft

February 22nd, 2018
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft

March 1st, 2018
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters and Transformers events. 

Monday, February 18th
6:30pm - Transformers constructed
7:00pm - Dice Masters Civil War Rainbow Draft - $12

Monday, February 25th
6:30pm - Transformers constructed
7:00pm - Dice Masters (Modern Age) - $2
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

February 16th - 2:00pm
Ravnica Weekend Championship

February 21st - 7:00pm
Paint Night with Caleb Ceran - $35

February 23rd - 4:00pm
Castle Panic Challenge Night -$5

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2019 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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