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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News - March 22nd

March 22nd, 2018
A big thank you to all those who have joined us on Manic Mondays for our Transformers events. We have enjoyed getting to see the new cards and what decks you have built with them. We will be doing another Transformers: Rise of the Combiners draft next week on Monday, March 25th at 6:30pm. There will be a $14 entry fee for this event. We had a really great time and turn out last time, so we are looking forward to seeing you all there on Monday! 

Join us on Thursday, March 28th at 6:30pm for a Star Wars Destiny: Convergence Release Draft! The new set will have just released that day, so we are very excited to be firing off a draft that night. As the start of a new block of sets, Convergence introduces plenty of new themes, and even a new card type. You'll enjoy the new focus on sub-types like Jedi, trooper, and leader. Along with new downgrades against your foes. So come in and reserve your spot and box today. You can preregister in store or online. There will be a $20 entry fee for this event. 

If you preordered a box of Convergence boosters, those will be available on the 28th  to picked up as well. There is still time to preorder your box for $90 each, but all preorders must be in by the end of Saturday, March 23rd. Preorders can be done in store or online. 

War of the Spark

Adventurers' League

What's New at Gamer's Inn
Holy Planeswalkers Batman!

If you haven't already heard, there is something big coming with the release of the new Magic the Gathering set - War of the Spark. Or should we say 36 somethings big.

With War of the Spark, there will 36, that's right, 36 Planeswalkers featured! And if that wasn't enough Planeswalker goodness, it gets better. Each booster pack from War of the Spark will have a Planeswalker in it. *MIND BLOWN*

So now is the time to get your preorders in for War of the Spark Buy-a-Box promos. We will have sign up sheets available starting tonight in store and online. Boxes will be available at $100 each. 
D&D Adventurers' League is our weekly Wednesday play program, geared for a casual play. It serves as a great introduction to our main story line events and uses material right from published adventure product. Each session only takes about 2 hours to play, so it's easy to fit your game in after school or work. Each week, there's a new and exciting challenge. 

Our next Adventurers' League Season starts on April 10th at 7:00pm. The first week of each season is geared towards character creation so come in with some ideas on what you want your character to be and we can make that happen. 

Adventurers' League is free to participate in, but spaces are limited. 
The X-Wing Miniatures Game is hands down our favorite miniatures game. And we are so excited for the release of the Wave 3 ships for X-Wing 2.0. 

Wave 3 heralds the release of two new factions: the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliances. With great support for the start of these factions, we are really looking forward to seeing the ships flying around our store. 

Wave 3 also sees the return of some great ships from Version 1 such as the TIE Striker, the Z-95 Headhunter, and the ARC-170 Starfighter. Each of these ships comes zooming in with updated paint jobs. 

All Ships from Wave 3 are now available in store. 
Friday Night Magic
Manic Monday
Gamer's Inn Events
Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

March 22nd, 2019
7:00pm - Free Modern

7:30pm - $10 Ravnica Allegiance Draft 

March 29th, 2019
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica AllegianceDraft

April 5th, 2019
7:00pm - Free Modern
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica AllegianceDraft

April 12th, 2019
7:00pm - Free Standard
7:30pm - $10 Ravnica AllegianceDraft
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters events. All events start at 7:00pm unless otherwise posted.

March 25th, 2018
6:30pm - Transformers TCG Rise of the Combiners Draft - $14

April 1st, 2019
6:30pm - Transformers constructed $8

7:00pm - KeyForge Buy a Deck - $10

April 8th , 2019
6:30pm - Transformers constructed $8

7:00pm - Modern Dice Masters Constructed $2.00
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

March 28th - 7:00pm
Convergence Release Draft - $20

April 9th - 7:00pm
King of Tokyo Demo Night

April 12th - 7:00pm
MTG Challenge Deck Night - $3

April 18th
 - 7:00pm
Paint Night with Caleb Ceran - $35

April 23rd - 7:00pm
King of Tokyo: King of the Inn Challenge Night - $3 

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2019 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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