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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn Newsletter - Got Any Labor Day Plans? (Aug 30 Newsletter)

August 30th, 2019

*sigh of relief* Labor Day is here... Is Gamer's Inn going to be open? 

Fear not, Newsletter Reader! We're open and ready to entertain you this Labor Day! 

But I don't see any of the normal Monday events.

Yes indeed, this coming Monday we're not holding any special events. But you know what that means? You can come play our store demos! Or better yet, host your own games here at Gamer's Inn! We have snacks, drinks, games, everything you need to make your dream game night come true. 

What about friends or people to play with?

I'd recommend coming to some of our events!
There's plenty of nice people at them. Read below for more details!

The First Sliver - Modern Horizons MtG Art
CHrONicLe Regular
August 31, 1:00pm
Entry Fee: $40

There's an ancient saying: "People who play at the Inn of Gamers pass through life content.
But people who play in the Saturday Sealed Events pass through life fully satisfied."

Tomorrow is the first in our MTG Saturday Sealed Events series, where we feature a different set of cards in a sealed event. For this first event, we've chosen to spotlight Modern Horizons, a recently released Modern-legal set. Definitely not something you want to miss!

In a sealed event, players are given 6 booster packs with which to build a deck. After the decks are built (within a certain time limit), we'll do a best of 3 per round. This is a great way to show your improv, creativity, and deck-building skills. It's also a fantastic way to crush your foes and intimidate all who walk before you with the grandeur of your audacious skills. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Swera Bold
Image result for planeswalkers mtg group

Royal 200 (bold)
Image result for d&d symbolBeyond Wonderland Regular

Energon Invitational Qualifer
September 7th, 1:00 PM
(Entry Fee: $10)

Join us for a tournament to see whose Transformers reign supreme! This event will be a Constructed format with Swiss pairings. Rounds will be 50 minutes long and be best 2 out of 3. 

Come and compete for prizes and a chance to qualify for the PAX Unplugged Energon Invitational!

Paint Night with Caleb Ceran
September 19th, 7:00pm
(Entry Fee: $35 pre-event,
$40 at the door)

Need a fun idea for a date night? Here's a perfect idea: a Paint Night with Caleb Ceran! He's a wonderful local artist and an excellent teacher. Think you can't paint? Well, let us prove you wrong. 

Caleb will be taking participants step by step through the process of creating a beautiful image on canvas.

There will be 12 available spots for this event and participants must be at least 12 years of age. You can register in store or online!

Sign up now while you can! All supplies are provided, including brushes, canvases, paints, and the artist (that would be you). 

Technology Networking Event
September 14, 7:00pm

Calling all gamers who work in the technology industry! Gamer's Inn is hosting a Tech Networking and Games monthly meet up, and you're invited! 

So, want to meet some people in your same field who love games as much as you do? Maybe play a few games, prove your prowess and possibly impress a future boss? Then you'll want to come to this event. 

The schedule is as follows: 
7:00pm - Meet, network, and share opportunities
7:30pm - Games, including MTG draft, Commander, board games, D&D... the possibilities are endless!

Dice Masters Logo
Dice Masters: Golden Age
September 9th, 7:00pm
(Entry Fee: $2)

Hey, you know a great way to spend your Monday nights? Sure, you could be sitting in front of the TV, but how about a round or two of Dice Masters instead? 

Yeah, definitely the better choice. And you're in luck! We'll be doing a Golden Age Constructed event on September 9th! And even better, we'll be doing prizes at the end of the night!

Golden Age Constructed not your thing? Well, come let us know! We want your feedback on what type of Dice Masters events you'd like to participate in. 

Baldur's Gate: 
Descent into Avernus
Pre-Order: $49.95
Releases September 17, 2019

Are you ready to face demons and other infernal beings? 
Or worse, ambitious politicians thirsting for power?
It's too late to turn back, adventurer. 
Welcome to Baldur's Gate.

Pre-Order today to receive a limited-edition copy.

Adventurers' League 
September 4th, 7:00pm 
for character building
September 11th, 7:00pm 
for campaigns

So! You've been hearing about this D&D thing and thinking to yourself, "I've always wanted to be a Tabaxi Barbarian wielding twin daggers... because I'm a Tabaxi." 

Well, now's your chance! Come join our upcoming season of Adventurers' League, built specially for new players. Arrive at 7:00pm on September 4th to get all the help you need in designing a new character, as well as how to play the game. Then,  on September 11th at 7:00, you'll be assigned to a group of players just as new as you are! 

Want to learn to DM? Rule the world as a malevolent god bent on destruction and shaping the story however you wish? Come to Adventurers' League! We're here to help you kill your players run your very own campaign! 

CHrONicLe Regular

Sanitarium BB

Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

August 30th
7:00pm - Standard
7:30pm - Core 2020 Draft, $10

September 6th
7:00pm - Modern
7:30pm - Core 2020 Draft, $10

September 13th
7:00pm - Standard
7:30pm - Core 2020 Draft, $10
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters, Transformers TCG and KeyForge events. See below for times, formats and cost.

September 2nd
No events for Labor Day.

September 9th
6:30pm - Transformers TCG: Constructed, $5
7:00pm - Golden Manic Monday, $2

September 16th
6:30pm - Transformers: Pick Your Poison Turbo Draft, $8
6:30pm - Transformers: Theme Night Singleton, $5
7:00pm - Keyforge: Archon, $5
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

Saturday, Aug 31st
11:30am - MTG Commander

Tuesday, September 3rd
7:00pm - X-Wing Night, Free

Tuesday, September 10th
7:00pm - Game Night: Mystic Vale

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2019 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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