Fri, 10/25 |
Sat, 10/26 |
Mon, 10/28 |
Tues, 10/29 |
Wed, 10/30 |
Thurs, 10/31 |
Friday Night Magic:
7:00pm - MTG Standard free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
11:30am - Commander free 11:30am - Brawl Weekend free 1:00pm - Modern Horizons Sealed, $40 2:00pm - Standard free
Manic Monday:
7:00pm - TCG Constructed, $5
7:00pm - MTG Pauper free 7:00pm - Throne of Eldraine League, $10 7:00pm - MTG Lightning Draft, $10 7:00pm - X-Wing Night free
7:00pm - D&D Adventurers' League free 7:00pm -D&D Dungeon Master's Class free
11:59pm - Behold(er)! Contest Submissions are due
11:00am - Behold(er)! Contest Submissions are posted 11:00am- MTG Commander free 7:00pm -Painting Class - Minifigures, $3 77:00pm -Star Wars: Destiny Villains Theme Night, $5 |

 Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes for Hire October 28th, 7:00pm (Entry Fee: $5)
Join us for a night of adventuring, drinking non-alcoholic drinks, snacking on perfectly legal snacks, and possibly busting a few heads in our Heroes for Hire event. In this Dungeons and Dragons event, you’re provided a character and painted mini-figure to use for the evening, as well as a snack and a drink.
We are providing level five characters, so we recommend those who come to have some knowledge of D&D game mechanics.
Sign up in store or click here to sign up online!

Villains Theme Night October 31st, 7:00pm (Entry Fee: $5)
The young Jedi spat a bloody tooth out of her mouth. Her lightsaber was nowhere in sight, and she laid helplessly on the ground. "You villain! How can you wield such cruelty?"
He crouched, coming to her eye level. He reached forward in the air, and her lightsaber shot to his hand from the other side of the room. He clicked the button and the saber extended, glowing blue.
"Because, my dear... it's fun."
Bring your best Villain affiliated deck to come play some casual games to celebrate Halloween! Participants can still receive Path to Prime tickets for attending this event, plus you'll get an additional ticket for bringing (and playing) a Villain-themed deck.
Sign up in-store or click here to sign up online!

Behold(er)! A Halloween Painting Contest Submissions due by 11:59pm on October 30th
These can be any painted Beholders, whether you painted in our event or not.
Submissions should include the picture of the minifigure along with a picture of the submission date. These can be emailed it to us at or submitted to our Facebook page.
We will compile all the pictures together into a single album and post it on October 31st at 11am. We encourage everyone to vote on their favorite or most realistic Beholder! Categories include "Overall Winner" (the picture with the most likes), "Most Creative" and "Most Realistic", both of which will be determined by the comments on the photos.
The winner of the contest will receive a Gamer's Inn Dice Tray. Runners up and winners of the "Most Creative" and "Most Realistic" will receive in-store credit for a snack of their choice.
We look forward to seeing what you have painted! Bring on your Beholders!



Throne of Eldraine: Brawl League Begins Nov 5th, 7:00pm (Entry fee: $10) Those who participated in our Throne of Eldraine League can roll their decks into our Throne of Eldraine Brawl League!
To start, players will receive three booster packs and a match card to track your games on. You will then build a 60-card singleton deck (including your commander).
You can play as many matches as you like. Each player may take one free mulligan per match (matches should be one game within pods).
You start the Brawl League with three packs, or your previous League deck (if applicable). An additional booster may be added to your pool each week and for every four points spend. If you joined after the first week, you may also purchase packs from the weeks that you may have missed.
At the end of League, there will be prizes distributed.
Come show us what you got, Magic players!
Sign up in-store or click here to sign up online! |
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventurers' League Starts over on Nov 6th, 7:00pm with Character Creation Night
So! You've been hearing about this D&D thing and thinking to yourself, "I've always wanted to be a halfling barbarian who dresses in pink frilly gowns and Shirley Temple curls and crushes my enemies with a gigantic club without getting my dress dirty."
Well, now's your chance! Come join our upcoming season of Adventurers' League, built specially for new players. We'll start off the new season by hosting a Character Creation Night. Here, we'll teach you all about D&D mechanics and help you to design your very own character!
Want to learn to DM? Come to Adventurers' League! We'll teach you all the tips and tricks on running your own campaign! We'll be more than happy to show you how to design your own campaign, write excellent NPCs, and manage unruly players.
Everything will be provided, including character sheets, pencils, dice, and a DM. However, we encourage those who come to purchase their own pretty dice set from our vast selection. We have lots to choose from!
War for Cybertron: Siege II Release Sealed Event on November 8th, 8pm (Entry fee: $20) Draft on Nov 11th at 7:00pm (Entry Fee: $18) Roll out for the newest installation into the Cybertron trilogy, Siege II!
Gamer's Inn will be running a Release Sealed Event on opening night! Players will build their teams from the five War for Cybertron II packs they'll receive during the event. If a player ends up with more than one character with the same name, they may play all of them. Character Cards a player picked but aren’t playing are set aside.
Battle Decks must have a minimum of 30 cards. This means players can choose cards from the packs they opened and not include them in their deck.
We will also be hosting a draft for this amazing new set. Rules and gameplay for this draft can be found on our website.
You're free to sign up in store for either event, or you can follow the links below and sign up online at our website!
War for Cybertron Siege II: Release Sealed Event
War for Cybertron Siege II: Draft |



Paint Night with Caleb Ceran November 21st, 7:00pm (Entry Fee: $25) Have you ever wanted to do something, but you and your friends have been doing the "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" thing all week and you know that if you suggest you all hang out it'll be more of that?
Well, Newsletter Reader, I have the solution. How about coming home with a painting that you painted that's beautiful and full of fond memories?
"But wait!" You say. "I don't know how to paint anything!"
Have no fear, Newsletter Reader, because a local artist named Caleb Ceran will be coming to Gamer's Inn to teach you how to paint your very own canvas!
There are only 12 remaining spots, so sign up now while you can! All supplies are provided, including brushes, canvases, paints, and the artist (that would be you).
Participants must be at least 12 years old.
Sign up in store or click here to sign up online!
MiniFigure Paint Night Every Thursday at 7pm Entry Fee: $3 Picture this: you're joining your campaign for the first time, and you just bought a colorless minifigure. You're excited to get started. But wait! Everyone else has a beautifully painted minifigure--even though you know none of them have paint or any art skills to speak of.
"Hey!" You say. "How'd you guys paint these? Not fair!"
"Actually, we did it at Gamer's Inn," Anthony explains. "There was an artist there who showed us how to do it, and everything was provided. Paints, brushes, everything. It was pretty awesome."
Katrina pipes up. "And the cost is per minifigure, so they'll let you come back again and again if it's not finished in a single week. My figure took me three weeks to do!"
Stunned, you leave the campaign, drive to Gamer's Inn, and begin your painting adventures. You'll get back to the campaign eventually... But for now, you have minifigures to paint.
Sign up in store or click here to sign up online!
Star Wars: Destiny Prime Championships November 9th, 3:00pm (Entry fee: $20)
"What do you believe in? The force?" The Jedi sheathed his lightsaber, and looked at his padowan with a weary expression. "No. I believe in myself."
Turn on your light-sabers and prepare to join fight the dark side, because the Prime Championships are only a few weeks away!
Through participating in our Prime Championship event, you can win a number of unique prizes, including game mats, tokens, and promotional cards! And how could we forget to mention that the winner of our Prime Championship event will also earn an invitation to the upcoming Star Wars: Destiny World Championship!
The Prime Championship will be in Standard format. So bring your best deck and may the force be with you!
To find out more about the Prime Championships, read this article from Fantasy Flight Games.
Sign up now in store or click here to sign up online! |



Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats.
October 25th 7:00pm - Standard, free 7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
November 1st 7:00pm - Modern, free 7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
November 8th 7:00pm - Standard, free 7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
November 15th 7:00pm - Modern, free 7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters and Transformers TCG events. See below for times, formats, and cost.
October 28th 7:00pm - TCG: Constructed, $5
November 4th 7:00pm - Dice Masters: Golden Theme Night, $3
November 11th 7:00pm - TCG: War for Cybertron Siege II Draft, $18
November 18th 7:00pm - Dice Masters: Modern Manic Monday, $3
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. You won't want to miss these, we can promise you that!
Wednesday, Oct 30th Behold(er)! A Halloween Contest submissions are due at 11:59pm.
Thursday, Oct 31 11:00am - Behold(er)! A Halloween Contest Submissions are posted
7:00pm - Star Wars Destiny: Villains Theme Night (Casual), $5
Tuesday, Nov 12th 7:00pm - Dixit Demo Night, free