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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News: Nov 8, 2019

November 8th, 2019

WE DID IT! We're Officially a Premium Store!

Fri, 11/8 Sat, 11/9 Mon, 11/11 Tues, 11/12 Wed, 11/13 Thurs, 11/14
Friday Night Magic:

7:00pm - Standard, free

7:30pm -
Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

8:00pm - Transformers TCG: War for Cybertron Siege II: Release Event, $20
 11:30am - MTG Commander free
1:00pm -
Core 2020 Sealed, $20

2:00pm - MTG Standard, free
3:00pm - Star Wars Destiny: Prime Championship, $20
Manic Monday: 

7:00pm - Transformers: War for Cybertron Siege II Draft, $18
  7:00pm - Game Demo: Dixit, free
7:00pm -
MTG Pauper, free

7:00pm - 
Throne of Eldraine
Brawl League, $10

7:00pm - 
MTG Lightning Draft, $10

7:00pm - 
X-Wing Night, free
7:00pm - D&D: Adventurers' League, free
7:00pm - D&D: Dungeon Master's Class, free
11:00am- MTG Commander, free
7:00pm -Painting Class - Minifigures, $3
7:00pm - Star Wars Destiny: Constructed Event, $4 
Image result for wpn premium logo

WE DID IT! We are officially Utah's first WPN Premium Store!

Because of our premium status, you'll start to see cool new MTG decor around the store and new events. You may also
get a chance to get your hands on MTG products before anyone else! As always, we are incredibly grateful for the wonderful staff, 
hundreds of players in our events, and our consistent customers for making this a reality. 
We can't thank you all enough!

To celebrate our new status, we're holding a FREE Core 2020 draft! Details are below:

WPN Premium Celebration Event: Core 2020 Draft
November 16th, 1:00pm
(Entry Fee: free)

If you're curious what the standards are for a WPN Premium Store, follow this link to learn more.

Transformers TCG:
War for Cybertron: Siege II

Draft on Nov 11th at 7:00pm
(Entry Fee: $18)

"As the battle reaches its crescendo in WAR FOR CYBERTRON: SIEGE II,
the Autobots and Decepticons turn to desperate means to secure victory. 
he Decepticons wake their most dangerous weapon... the mighty Titan, TRYPTICON!"

                           -Wizards Play Network

Gamers, roll out for the newest installation into the Cybertron trilogy!
In this brilliantly designed set, players can look forward to new characters such as Trypticon and Chromedome,
as well as a new black icon that gives your Transformers more effective firepower in the midst of battle. 
We will be hosting a draft for this amazing new set. Rules and gameplay for this draft can be found on our website.

"I send this message to the surviving Autobots... We are here, we are waiting."
-Optimus Prime

Sign up in store or click here to sign up online!

Star Wars: Destiny
Prime Championships
November 9th, 3:00pm
(Entry fee: $20)

Turn on your light-sabers, and prepare to join fight the dark side,
because the Star Wars Destiny Prime Championships are TOMORROW!

Through participating in our Prime Championship event, you can win a number of unique prizes,
including game mats, tokens, and promotional cards! And how could we forget to mention that the
winner of our Prime Championship event will also earn an invitation to the upcoming 
Star Wars: Destiny World Championship!

The Prime Championship will be in Standard format. So bring your best deck and may the force be with you!

To find out more about the Prime Championships, read this article from Fantasy Flight Games.

Sign up now in store or 
click here to sign up online!

Image result for dnd tiamat art

Beyond Wonderland Regular
Image result for throne of eldraine holiday gift bundle

CHrONicLe Regular
Game Demo Night: Dixit
November 12th, 7:00pm
(Entry fee: free)

A whimsical, beautifully created card game, Dixit is simple to play and that could be described in all sorts of ways.
Gameplay goes like this: 

The Storyteller picks a card from his or her hand, and sets it facedown in front of him or her. "Grapes" they say, using anywhere from a single word to a full sentence to describe their card. This is the only clue the players receive.

Everyone else picks a card from their own hands and adds it to the pile. The cards are all shuffled together, and then laid out in front of the players.

Each player then secretly votes on which card they think belongs to the Storyteller--or, which card "Grapes" most describes. Once everyone has voted, the Storyteller reveals their card.

If all or none of the players find the Storyteller's card, then everyone but the Storyteller receives 2 points. But, if at least one or more players (not all of the players) found the Storyteller's card, the Storyteller and those who found the card get 3 points. Bonus points are awarded to those whose cards also received votes.

Enjoy an extra 5% discount on this game all month long!
Heroes for Hire
November 25th, 7:00pm
(Entry Fee: $5)

The three adventurers burst from the Duke's mansion, ignoring the cries from several guards to halt immediately. They made for a nearby cave, their hideout for the time being.

"Well, that could've gone worse," Hill chuckled, taking a swig from his flask.

Vesryn gave him a side glance as he closed the secret entrance. "We were nearly arrested, Hill."

Hill shrugged. "Yeah, but Sia got the map thing, right?"

Sia groaned, and pulled the 'map' from her pack. "What's left of it, anyway."

"Cheer yerself, Sia," Hill patted her knee. "We'll find the treasure. You'll see."

In this Dungeons and Dragons event, you’re provided a character and painted mini-figure to use for the evening, as well as a snack and a drink. 

We are providing level five characters, so we recommend those who come to have some knowledge of D&D game mechanics.

Sign up in store or 
click here to sign up online!
Throne of Eldraine: 
Gift Bundle Pack
Releases Nov 15
($59.99 per pack)

Salutations, Magic Players!

You've probably been searching for that perfect gift for your magic-playing friends, and so far have come up empty. They have the playmats (though, if they don't, Gamer's Inn has a lovely playmat available for $10), cards galore, deck boxes, and way too many sleeves. 

Well, your search is over! Because pre-orders are available now for the Throne of Eldraine Gift Bundle pack!

Inside this brand new set are an oversized spin-down counter, a Collector Booster, 1 foil-art promo card, 10 Throne of Eldraine booster packs, 20 basic lands, and 20 foil basic lands.

If you've enjoyed the Throne of Eldraine set as much as the rest of us have, you'll definitely need to add this bundle pack to your collection. If only for the foil lands. They're really pretty, which is half of the reason we all play magic; for the pretty cards.

There are only 10 available spots for pre-orders, so sign up quick! 

Sign-ups are available in-store.

Beth Ellen 2 Regular

Bernound Rough
Image result for mtg stocking tiger

Donatello Donatello
Paint Night with Caleb Ceran
November 21st, 7:00pm
(Entry Fee: $25)

Are you bored, wanting to do something with your night other than watch TV and playing the same old board game over and over again?

How about learning how to paint with a local artist something as gorgeous as the picture above? 
And, while you're at it, picking up a brand new board game?

"But wait!" You say. "I don't know how to paint anything! And I could never paint something like that..."

Have no fear, Newsletter Reader, because a local artist named Caleb Ceran will be coming to Gamer's Inn to teach you how to paint your very own canvas! 

There are only 12 remaining spots, so sign up now while you can! All supplies are provided, including brushes, canvases, paints, and the artist (that would be you). 

Participants must be at least 12 years old. 

Sign up in store or
click here to sign up online!
Christmas is 47 days away and we've got the perfect gift ideas. Each of these games are party games for 5-8 players ages 12+. 

1.) Sushi Go! Party: 
Make yourself some sushi and choose excellent combinations in this adorable and simple game! We have Sushi Go! which plays up to 5 players, but Sushi Go! Party plays up to 8! Great game for kids and adults.

2.) Codenames: 
If you like word puzzles, this is the game for you. It's best with 4-6 players, but can play 2 to 8 players. We have the original game, as well as Duet (designed for two players), Disney (pictures), Pictures, Harry Potter (pictures), and XXL (BIG cards).

3.) Fluxx: 
You start this game with one rule: draw one, play one. Simple, right? Except players can add rules, change the goal, steal your cards or your entire hand. This game is always in flux. We have the original game and a variety of themed options, including Batman, Star Trek, and more!

4.) We Didn't Playtest This At All:
Want a perfectly silly game that'll provide hours of laughter and entertainment? Well, you've come to the right game. This game is best in larger groups (6 to 10 players) who enjoy non-competitive funny games. Excellent party game.
The holidays are upon us, and we at Gamer's Inn are excited for all of them! Below are the times when the store will be open, and (if we're open) what events will be running that day. 

Thanksgiving Day (Nov 28)
Store will be closed.
No events.

Black Friday (Nov 29)
Store will be open 11am to 10pm.
7:00pm - FNM: Standard, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine draft, $10
We'll be having Black Friday Sales!
Check next week's newsletter
for more details.

Christmas Eve (Dec 24)
Store will be open 11am to 4pm.
No events.

Christmas Day (Dec 25)
Store will be closed.
No events.

New Year's Eve (Dec 31)
Store will be open 11am to 4pm.
No events.

New Year's Day (Jan 1st)
Store will be open from 11am to 10pm.

Thanks to all of our patrons, customers, and employees for a wonderful first year in our brand new location!

Image result for friday night magic

CHrONicLe Regular

Sanitarium BB

Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

November 8th
7:00pm - Standard, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

November 15th
7:00pm - Modern, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

November 22nd
7:00pm - Standard, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

November 29th
7:00pm - Modern, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters and Transformers TCG events. See below for times, formats and cost.

November 11th
7:00pm - TCG: War for Cybertron Siege II Draft, $18

November 18th
7:00pm - Dice Masters: Modern Manic Monday, $3

November 25th
7:00pm - Transformers TCG: Constructed, $5

December 2nd
7:00pm - Dice Masters: Golden Manic Monday, $3
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. You won't want to miss these fun and exciting events!

Friday, Nov 8th
8:00pm -  TCG: War for Cybertron II Release Sealed Event, $20

Saturday, Nov 9th
3:00pm - Star Wars Destiny: Prime Championship, $20

Tuesday, Nov 12th
7:00pm - Dixit Demo Night, free

Saturday, Nov 16th
1:00pm - WPN Premium Celebration Event: Core 2020 Draft, free

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2019 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street #8, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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