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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News: Nov 22, 2019 DRAFT

November 22, 2019

Thoughts of Joy and Hope and Cheer
(But mostly shopping shopping shopping!)
Fri, 11/22 Sat, 11/23 Mon, 11/25 Tues, 11/26 Wed, 11/27 Thurs, 11/28
Friday Night Magic:

7:00pm - MTG Standard, free

7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10
 11:30am - MTG Commander, free
1:00pm -
Throne of Eldraine Sealed, $20

2:00pm - MTG Standard, free
Manic Monday: 
7:00pm - TCG: Constructed, $8

7:00pm -
D&D: Heroes for Hire, $5

7:00pm - Play with the Owners, free
  7:00pm -
MTG Pauper, free

7:00pm - 
Throne of Eldraine
Brawl League, $10

7:00pm - 
MTG Lightning Draft, $10

7:00pm - 
X-Wing Night, free
7:00pm - D&D: Adventurers' League, free
7:00pm -
D&D: Dungeon Master's Class, free
Happy Thanksgiving!
Store is closed for today.

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Attention Magic Players!

Starting in December, we'll be changing up our Friday Night Magic events. Wizards of the Coast just released a new format called Pioneer, and we want to add it to our roster of MTG events. Beginning on December 6th, constructed MTG events for Friday Night Magic will alternate between Pioneer and Modern. See below for times, dates and formats. Look for next week's newsletter to find out more about the Pioneer format, or click this link to find out now!

Don't worry, Standard players! We'll still be holding Standard events every Saturday, just like normal. In fact, we're holding a special event on December 7th that, Standard player or no, you should definitely take a look at. See below for details. We're also discontinuing sponsored Pauper events on Tuesday. You're still welcome to come on in and play pauper with your friends though! 

Beyond Wonderland Regular

November 25th, 7:00pm

(Entry Fee: $5)

The three adventurers all surveyed the cave and the sleeping dragon atop their treasure. Sia and Vesryn tossed around various ideas, from steathily stealing what they could without waking the dragon (shot down by Hill on when he reminded them of the water) to leaving (again, shot down by Hill: "We did NOT come all the way down this blasted cavern to turn back now empty-handed."). Fighting the dragon seemed to be the worst idea of all, but it was the only one Hill could agree to.

And so, like the idiots they all knew themselves to be, they climbed down the side of the cavern to fight a red dragon.

In this Dungeons and Dragons event, we're going to take you for an adventure through Faerun! The only thing you need to bring is yourself! We'll provide the rest, including a character sheet, a painted mini-figure to use for the evening, as well as a snack and a drink. 

We are providing level five characters, so we recommend those who come to have some knowledge of D&D game mechanics.

Sign up in store or 
click here to sign up online!

HalfbreD Regular
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Bigsmile Sans
We're excited to announce new events starting in December!*

Mondays at 7pm:
Casual Board Game Play
Here, you can either choose a game from our many demo games to play, or have one of our expert staff teach you how to play a brand new game. All of our demo games are free for in-store play. We don't rent out board games (they usually don't come back alive and unspoiled).

Monday Night
Mondays will feature two alternating events. Both begin at 7:00pm and are free of cost.

AsmoPlay Game Night: These game nights will feature specific Asmodee games such as Unlock! and Lord of the Rings: Journey into Middle-Earth. And for participating, you'll receive special promo items for the featured game!

Play with the Owners: Have you ever wondered who're the masterminds behind Gamer's Inn? Well, wonder no longer. Come play a game with them! They'll teach you how to play their favorite games.

Tuesday Night
Tuesday Nights, 7:00pm, free

Game of the Month Demo Nights: Every month we highlight a game as our "Game of the Month". So, if you'd like to learn how to play our top game of the month, you're in luck! We'll be running a game demo night every Tuesday where you can learn to play.

*Play with the Owners begins Nov 25.
 Black Friday Sales
Available November 29th ONLY

It's that time of year again... Christmas Shopping during the Black Friday Sales! And Gamer's Inn has some amazing deals this holiday season.

Starting off the line up, are our Black Friday Hoard Specials. Each Hoard Special is geared towards helping you expand your collection of things you love; whether that be Dungeons & Dragons, Collectible Card Games, Board Games or repping your favorite FLGS (friendly local game store) with some awesome swag. Each of these deals are only available in store on Black Friday (Nov 29th), but click here to enjoy a preview!

Next, Select Titles Sales. Each item marked with a green sticker will receive a 25% discount. Titles including but not limited to QuadropolisAbove and Below, and Dead of Winter: The Long Night will be among the discounted items. All Select Titles will have a Green Sticker and discount will be automatically applied at checkout. 

All of our Previously Played Games will be discounted by 30%.
These games are marked by
pink stickers,
 and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

Finally, with any purchase of $50 or more, you'll become eligible to purchase one of our dice trays for 50% off.

We hope to see you here!
The holidays are upon us, Gamers! Below are the times when the store will be open, and (if we're open) what events will be running that day. 

Thanksgiving Day (Nov 28)
Store will be closed.
No events.

Black Friday (Nov 29)
Store will be open 11am to 11pm.

7:00pm - FNM: Standard, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine draft, $10

Christmas Eve (Dec 24)
Store will be open 11am to 4pm.
No events.

Christmas Day (Dec 25)
Store will be closed.
No events.

New Year's Eve (Dec 31)
Store will be open 11am to 4pm.
No events.

New Year's Day (Jan 1st)
Store will be open from 11am to 10pm.

We're very grateful to all of our wonderful employees, sponsors, and customers for a fantastic first year in our brand new location!

"As far as stories go, this one's not so bad," Tyris whispered. His companions were all fast asleep around the dying fire. He could see the morning sun just peeking over the mountains. A new day. A new adventure. Tyris settled into the tree, gazing up at the fading stars.
"No, not so bad at all."

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HalfbreD Regular
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CHrONicLe Regular
Come play in one of our casual board game nights! If you don't know how to play one of our board games, we'll teach you!
Monday, Nov 25th
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Villanous,free

Monday, Dec 2nd

7:00pm - Casual Board Game Play, free
7:00pm - AsmoPlay Game Night: Unlock!, free

Tuesday, Dec 3rd, 10th, and 17th
7:00pm - Game Demo Night: Cover Your Assets, free

Monday, Dec 9th
7:00pm - Casual Board Game Play, free
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Shadowrun Crossfire, free

Monday, Dec 16th
7:00pm - Casual Board Game Play, free
7:00pm - AsmoPlay Game Night: Journeys to Middle-Earth, free

Monday, Dec 23
7:00pm - Casual Board Game Play, free
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Power Grid, free

Monday, Dec 30
7:00pm - Casual Board Game Play, free
Holiday Donations
Collection boxes will be available in store for non-perishable food, toys, and blankets starting Thanksgiving Week.

"Beyond getting excited about all of the fun gifts I will be receiving, Christmas is one of my favorite times of year because it provides additional reminders to be kind and giving toward others.

This year, we are excited to be partnering with the Salvation Army to give to those around us who find themselves in need of a little bit of extra cheer and help. 

We will have collection boxes set up in store starting the week of Thanksgiving and ask that you and your family take a moment to bring in something that you can share to help bolster our community.

Donations that are appreciated can include any non-perishable food, new or gently used toys, or new or gently used blankets. The donations will be picked up mid December.

We thank you for your kindness and generosity and wish you and yours a joyful holiday season."

-From the Gamer's Inn Owners: Anthony Wilding, and Katrina and Michael Holt.

Cavalier of Night and
Exquisite Standard Event
December 7th, 1:00pm
(Entry fee: $5)

Hey Standard Players! Got a special event for you (and all the other magic players as well)!

First off, MTG Arena Sleeves for all! Because we're now a Premium store with Wizards of the Coast, we have the chance to run an exclusive event to give away Arena Codes for these beautiful Exquisite Sleeves. This is the only way to get these sleeves on Arena and is a great way to show off your love of brick-and-mortar stores and the Magic: The Gathering events they run. 

Next, Promo Cards all around! For each match of the event, players will receive two promo cards.

Last but not least, remember when we ran a big enough event during Modern Horizons to earn a Cavalier of Night playmat? We do.
And this is the perfect opportunity for us to give it away! The winner of the event will receive this one of a kind playmat.

We look forward to seeing what decks you bring and to having a fun time playing Magic!

You're free to sign up in-store or
click here to sign up online!
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CHrONicLe Regular

Sanitarium BB

Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

November 22nd
7:00pm - Standard, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

November 29th
7:00pm - Modern, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

December 6th
7:00pm - Pioneer, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

December 13th
7:00pm - Modern, free
7:30pm - Throne of Eldraine Draft, $10

Join us Monday evenings for Dice Masters and Transformers TCG events. See below for times, formats and cost.

November 25th
7:00pm - Transformers TCG: Constructed, $5

December 2nd
7:00pm - Dice Masters: Golden Manic Monday, $3

December 9th
7:00pm - TCG: War for Cybertron Siege II Turbo Draft, $8

December 16th
7:00pm -  Dice Masters: Modern Theme Night, $3

Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn. Each of our Game Night starts at 7:00pm and are free to participate in.

Monday, Nov 25th
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Villainous, free

Monday, Dec 2nd
7:00pm - Casual Board Game Night, free
7:00pm - AsmoPlay Game Night, free

Tuesday, Dec 10th
7:00pm - Game Night: Cover Your Assets, free

Saturday, Dec 7th
1:00pm - MTG Cavalier of Night and Exquisite Standard Event, $5

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2019 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street #8, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
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