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Where Adventures Begin

218 N. West State Street #8
American Fork, UT 84003
P: 801.901.3104

Gamer's Inn News: Jan 10, 2020

January 10th, 2020

Let Chaos Reign

Fri, 1/10 Sat, 1/11 Mon, 1/13 Tues, 1/14 Wed, 1/15 Thurs, 1/16
Friday Night Magic:

7:00pm - MTG Modern, free

7:30pm - Chaos Draft, $5
 11:30am - MTG Commander, free
2:00pm -
MTG Standard, free

6:00pm - Throne of Eldraine Sealed, $20
7:oopm - Casual Board Game Play
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Biblios, free
  7:00pm - Game Night: Transformers TCG, free
7:00pm - 
MTG Lightning Draft, $10

7:00pm - 
X-Wing Night, free
7:00pm - D&D: Adventurers' League, free
7:00pm -
D&D: Dungeon Master's Class, free
7:00pm- MTG Commander, free
7:00pm -Painting Class - Minifigures, $3
7:00pm - Paint with Caleb, $25

7:00pm - Star Wars Destiny: Casual Play, free

No photo description available.

Shock Therapy BB Regular

Magic: The Gathering - Chaos Draft
January 10th, 7:30pm
Entry fee: $5

As a pre-cursor to the Theros Beyond Death release, Gamer's Inn is running a little event called a Chaos Draft.
What's a Chaos Draft, you may ask? Well, humble MTG player... 

Any card from anywhere in the Magic: The Gathering multiverse.

All in one draft event.

We do a special twist on our Chaos Drafts. We use our in-store Random Boosters that
contain cards from 3rd Edition to Throne of Eldraine. So it's still your normal draft set up, but with
a whole lot extra going on. 

You want to see what true chaos looks like?

Click here for more details.

Image result for pre-release mtg text
If you attend any one of the 
Theros Beyond Death pre-release events below, 
you'll receive $5 off your next 
Theros Beyond Death pre-release event!
No photo description available. Theros Beyond Death
Booster Box Pre-Orders

Was $143.64, On sale for $100
Pre-orders available January 17th

Theros Beyond Death Booster Boxes
are now available to be pre-ordered!

The booster boxes will be available
for pick-up on January 17th. 

Sign up now while supplies last!

Click here for more details.
Friday (January 17th)
Pre-Release Events:

Friday Afternoon, 3:00pm
Entry fee: $25

Friday Evening, 9:00pm
Entry fee: $25

Saturday (January 18th)
Pre-Release Events:

Two-Headed Giant, 11:30am
Entry fee: $25 per person

Saturday Evening, 6:00pm
Entry fee: $25
Friday (January 24th):

Theros Beyond Death Sealed
 Begins at 7:30pm
Entry fee: $20

Saturday (January 25th):

Theros Beyond Death drafts
will begin at the following times: 


Drafts will also fire off all day as soon
as we have 8 or more people. 

Click here for more details.
Image result for mtg buy a box promo theros beyond death
Image result for biblios game

Old Wise Lord Regular

Mantrum Regular

Beyond Wonderland Regular
Play with the Owners: Biblios
January 13th, 7:00pm
Entry fee: free

Who are the geniuses behind Gamer's Inn?
Come find out by playing some of their favorite games with them!

Click here for more details.
Paint with Caleb
January 16th, 7:00pm
Entry Fee: $25

Come learn how to paint a beautiful canvas with your friends! Seating is limited,
so sign up today!

Click here for more details.
Heroes for Hire
January 27th, 7:00pm
Entry Fee: $5

Join a group of adventurers as they traverse the perilous regions of an unknown land.
Seating is limited, so sign up today!

Click here for more details.

Image result for friday night magic

CHrONicLe Regular

Sanitarium BB

Come every Friday night for our Magic: the Gathering events. See below for times and formats. 

January 10th
7:00pm - Modern, free
7:30pm - Chaos Draft, $5

January 17th
3:00pm - Theros Beyond Death Pre-Release Event, $25
9:00pm - Theros Beyond Death Pre-Release Event, $25

January 24th
7:00pm - Modern, free
7:30pm - Theros Beyond Death Release Sealed Event, $20
Join us Monday evenings for board games galore! See below for what games we're featuring.

January 13th
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Biblios, free

January 20th
7:00pm - Casual Board Game Play, free
7:00pm - AsmoPlay Game Night: Dead of Winter, free

January 27th
7:00pm - Play with the Owners: Power Grid, free

February 3rd
7:00pm - AsmoPlay Game Night: Captain Sonar, free
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events at Gamer's Inn!

Friday, January 10th
7:30pm - Chaos Draft, $5

Thursday, January 16th
7:00pm - Paint with Caleb, $25

Monday, January 27th
7:00pm - D&D: Heroes for Hire, $5

Tuesday, January 28th
7:00pm - Theros Beyond Death League, $10

"Just one game they said, and started to play... That was yesterday."

Thank you for making this store possible and for your patronage! 

Copyright © 2019 Gamer's Inn, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: 801-901-3104


Our mailing address is:
218 NW State Street #8, American Fork, UT, 84003

Contact Us
  • Email:
  • 218 N. West State Street #8
  • American Fork, Utah 84003
  • P: 801.901.3104
  • Hours: 
Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm 
Fri - Sat: 11am-11pm
Follow Us