 A game made especially for kids who like to solve puzzles and riddles. Price: $29.99
Here's a game for our younger audience: Concept Kids: Animals! In this fun board game, all of the players except for one work to try and get the playes whose turn it is to guess a particular animal. They use clues such as color, where it lives, what pattern it has, and more to get the person to guess!
Read more about this delightful little game here.
Prerelease Kits Available on May 15th Preorder now for $25 each
We're not holding any prerelease events, but that doesn't mean you can't hold your own prerelease event from the comfort of your own home!
Each Prerelease kit will include: 6 Ikoria Boosters 1 foil rare or mythic rare card 1 spindown life counter 1 set of double-sided keyword counters
Preorder by clicking here. |
Collector Booster Boxes Available May 15th Preorder now for $215
With monsters, magic, and planeswalkers running amuk, there's sure to be some strange happening on the plane of Ikoria, the likes of which it's never seen.
You'll need to equip yourself with cards to rival your opponents' monsters! And do you know where the prettiest cards are going to be? The Collector's Booster Boxes of course! So why not pick up a box or three?
Preorder by clicking here. |
Regular Booster Boxes Available May 15th Preorder now for $100
These booster boxes include not only a promo card but a box topper--a card that's factory-sealed inside. And that buy-a-box promo is none other than Godzilla, King of the Monsters himself. That's not the only Godzilla card either, but it's the only one guaranteed with every box!
Other cards have been revealed too, with classic monsters such as Ghidorah and Mothra. Read more about them and other cards in Ikoria here.
Preorder by clicking here. |
 Available May 15th On Sale for $39.99 Preorders not available
We're excited to bring to you the decks of the Commander 2020 set! Not only are there new themes and mechanics from Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths in these cards, but there are 71 brand-new cards to make your current decks better than ever. It's first come first serve, so get your commander deck before they run out! Please note that we are limiting them to one deck per person per day.
Here's the official Commander 2020 page so you can start scheming!
 Available May 29th Retail Price: $3.99 per pack OR Preorder a whole box here for only $105
Calling all TCG Players! Magic isn't the only game to have exciting things coming out this May! Introducing the Titan Masters Attack Packs, with a new game mechanic: "Collect heads and bodies of Transformers and customize them to fit your play style... Head Master characters give bonuses to the body, and when the body is KO'ed, the head deploys as a separate bot mode character."
Here's the announcement from Wizards of the Coast!
 As many of you know, Wizards of the Coast have sent out digital codes to local game stores to be used with Arena. These codes will provide you with unique card sleeves to play with online with your Arena decks. There are three codes total, they can each be achieved on Fridays.
Simply log into Arena (which you can download here) and play in the format for that week. Once you do, send us a screen shot to the Gamer's Inn Facebook page, and we'll then send you the promo code for that week's sleeve.
Click here for the Wizards of the Coast Announcement. |