Prerelease Kits Available on Sept 18 Preorder now for $25
Draft Booster Boxes Available in store Sept 18th for $105 |
Collector Booster Boxes Available Sept 25th Preorder now for $230 |
Set Booster Boxes Available Sept 25th Preorder now for $140 |
Each kit comes with two additional Draft Booster Packs |
The perfect way to hold your own draft. |
The shiniest and rarest cards in the set. |
A brand new way to experience Magic. |
Click here to order or drop by our store! |
Click here to order or drop by our store! |
Click here to order or drop by our store! |
Click here to order or drop by our store! |

Fri, 9/18 |
Sat, 9/19 |
Mon, 9/21 |
Tues, 9/22 |
Wed, 9/23 |
Thurs, 9/24 |
Starting at 3:00pm Zendikar Rising Prerelease Date |
11:30am - MTG Commander, free 2:00pm - MTG Standard, free |
No Events |
6:30pm - X-Wing Night, free |
No Events |
6:30pm- MTG Commander, free
Power Grid
Price: $49.95
In Power Grid, its your job is to supply power to homes across the country! Buy factories, fuel, and homes to build up your power-loving empire. Whoever can power the most homes wins!
Click here to recharge your game collection! |

Would you like to learn what Dungeons and Dragons, the most popular role-play game in the world, is all about? How to build your own character, design your own campaign, fulfill your dreams of world domination and becoming an all-powerful warrior or a wizard of impressive intellect?
Then you should come to this event! We'll tell you all you need to know about this wonderful game, and answer any questions you might have.
Wednesday, September 30th at 7:00pm
Disclaimer: This is the first of several learning modules. |