Who will become the most famous Dungeoneer?
Price: $69.99
In Munchkin Dungeon, players take on the role of Munchkins adventuring through a dungeon. Each round, they’ll move down through the dungeon’s different rooms, going as far as they dare before they must face whatever’s in their final room. Other players can then add threats to the fight, making things even tougher. And down at the bottom of the dungeon is the nasty boss. Through all of this (hopefully) players will be gaining loot, levels, and fame. In the end, the most famous Munchkin is the winner.
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Fri, 3/4 |
Sat, 3/5 |
Mon, 3/7 |
Tues, 3/8 |
Wed, 3/9 |
Thurs, 3/10 |
7:30pm - FNM: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Draft, $12 |
11:30am - MTG Commander, free
2:00pm - MTG Standard, free |
No Events |
6:30 pm - X-Wing Night, free
7:00pm - Flesh & Blood |
7:00 pm - D&D Encounters |
6:30pm- MTG Commander, free
Will the Merchants get their Goods past the Sherrif?
Price: $39.99
The bustling market in Nottingham is filled with goods from all over the kingdom. Most of it is entirely legal, however, Prince John is looking to make sure no contraband gets sold. The Sheriff’s shrewd, but not above taking a bribe to look the other way. Which Merchant will end up getting the best goods through and make the largest profits in the market stalls?
Read more about this game here!